There is a growing need to help vulnerable Islanders. We must focus on providing shelter for those who don’t have it and provide the necessary programs and services to help vulnerable people get back on their feet.
That is where the Outreach Centre plays a vital role. It provides access to important services to those who need them, such as counselling, employment, and housing.
Absolutely not. There is a zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use at the centre. Security will be on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and perimeter fencing is being installed. There will also be an improved intake process to help people get the services they need that are available in the community.
With provincial and municipal governments and community partners working together, we can help address challenges like homelessness, addictions and mental health and create healthy and safe communities.
The Province will continue discussions with the Community Harm Reduction Steering Committee (which includes city council members, police and those with lived experience) to explore options for evidence-based harm reduction strategies that support community wellness and reduce negative impacts on people who use substances.
This will be a temporary location for one year to allow for the necessary time to build a model of care that strikes a balance between the needs of clients and the best interests of the community.
A year will provide the time to ensure the network of programs and services for vulnerable Islanders is coordinated, cohesive and connected.
The goal is to finalize a long-term plan by the end of 2024 for infrastructure and services for vulnerable people at the right location. Beyond 2024, we’ll have a plan that’s well-researched, based on evidence and incorporates feedback from all stakeholders. At that point we’ll begin the process of developing a permanent site.
Safety for everyone is the top priority and we’re very thankful to our partners for helping address this, including the City of Charlottetown and its police force.
We are continuing to work with City of Charlottetown Police and are following their lead as it relates to community safety in the area. The Government is also working with City Police to have Community Police Officers patrolling the area. In addition to the current Community Police Officers, two new officers have been hired specifically to assist with patrolling the new Outreach Shelter area. The City Police has also installed several i-watch cameras in the area.
There is a new security system with cameras installed at the new site which will be monitored in real time. Should it be observed that people are loitering in the area, our security officers can address the concerns at that time. Additionally on-site security will be maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There will be multiple clean-up crews to ensure garbage and debris are cleaned up in public spaces.
Accountability measures for clients will be in place before the centre relocates to Park Street. Appropriate procedures to work with clients who don’t follow the accountability measures or don’t show respect for neighbours, community, and staff will be in place.
The recently established Resident Support Team works to directly address concerns or questions about outreach services at Park Street. The Resident Support Team will be available to neighbourhood residents Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
Input and feedback of neighbours helps improve situations especially through this period of transition. The Resident Support Team, is dedicated to ensuring a safe and supportive environment in the neighborhood, to being a good neighbor, and to working to actively address concerns and problems.
It is critical that we maintain a level of trust and understanding with community.
We continue to work with members of the community to create a safe, inclusive environment for all individuals. We are working with neighbours to address their concerns as efficiently as possible.
A Resident Support Team has been initiated to directly address concerns or questions about outreach services at Park Street. The Resident Support Team will be available to neighbourhood residents Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
The Centre will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week for individuals 18+ who are experiencing housing insecurity.
All clients will be required to participate in a triage and safety screening process each day at the security building onsite. Clients will then transition into the main building where they will access services.
Clients have access to a variety of services, including basic necessities such as snacks, showers, and clothing, as well as case management, access to a nurse, mental health support, emotional regulation, peer support, GED and academic upgrading, and more.
Clients are required to complete a more comprehensive intake process to better understand clients needs, goals and objectives.
Case Managers provide wrap around supports to clients via referrals to internal and external community programming, appointment planning, skill development, transportation assistance, etc. Clients will be able to access their belongings and leave the site at any time during hours of operations.
A strict zero-tolerance policy will be enforced regarding the use of drugs, including cannabis, alcohol, and illicit substances, while on site.
A Task Force has been created to develop an action plan for improvements and enhancements to programs and services provided by government and community based on the recommendations of the Senior Advisor.
The Task Force includes subject matter experts and community leaders who will work with Carlene Donnelly, senior advisor to the Premier and Cabinet tasked with reviewing programs and services for complex populations, to make system level decisions that guide the introduction of a comprehensive, client-centered model of care to support Islanders experiencing the most complex and concurrent social, mental health and physical issues and who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
The objectives of the Task Force are:
- Create community support for a comprehensive, “made for PEI” system of care program that supports “Housing First” and “Community First” models.
- Establish measurable deliverables and priorities.
- Align resources and remove barriers to enable implementation of an enhanced services delivery model.
- Support development of a comprehensive communication plan to improve the flow of information to vulnerable persons, neighborhoods, local communities, and municipalities.
Over the next six months, the Task Force will work with the Senior Advisor to implement the recommendations of her report and pilot a Complex Care Centre in Charlottetown that can be broadened in scope to support a province-wide model of care.
A Resident Support Team has been initiated to directly address concerns or questions about outreach services at Park Street. The Resident Support Team will be available to neighbourhood residents Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
Input and feedback of neighbours helps improve situations especially through this period of transition. The Resident Support Team, is dedicated to ensuring a safe and supportive environment in the neighborhood, to being a good neighbor, and to working to actively address concerns and problems. The team will work alongside the Charlottetown Police Service. A safe and peaceful community for everyone is the goal.